Jquery on click image effect - Mostlikers

14 April, 2015

Jquery on click image effect

The jquery library provides several techniques for adding animation to a web page. all effects animation make my website very attractive. it's very simple code, We can use frequently all animation effect. In this tutorial i have created Jquery on click effect.

Jquery image on click effects

Jquery library provide several effects below i have mention list of effects in jquery.

.animate() - Perform custom animation of a set of css
.clearQueue() - Remove from the queue all item
.delay() - Set timer to delay execution. 
.dequeue() - Execute the queue function to matching element. 
.fadeIn() - Fadein the set element
.fadeOut() - Fade out the set element
.fadeTo() - Adjust the opacity 
.fadeToggle() - Display the matching element with animated effect. 
.finish() - Stop current running animation.
.hide() - Hide matching element
.queue() - Show or manipulate the queue of functions to be executed on the matched elements.
.show() - Show matching element
.slideDown() - Display the matching element in sliding down effect.
.slideToggle() - Display the matching element in sliding motion
.slideUp() - Hide the matching slide element
.stop() - Stop the current element animation.
.toggle() - Display or hide the matched elements


    <title>Jquery image on click effects.</title>
    <h2>On Cilck effect</h2>
    <img class="active_image" src="download.png">
    <img class="deacative_image decative" src="holidays.gif">


<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.1.3.min.js"></script>
     return false;          
<style type="text/css">
.decative {display: none;}
I hope this post helpful for you. Thank you for visiting.

"It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop."

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