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23 January, 2016

Git Tutorial - Git Configurations #1

There are three levels that the Git stores the configurations. System Level, User Level and Project Level Configurations.

1. System Level Configurations:

This is the largest level of configuration this configuration will apply to the every user of the computer. These are default configurations and can be overwritten.

Git Tutorial - Git Configurations

18 January, 2016

Git Tutorial - Installation

Installing Git is simple and easy. Download the git package from the website and follow the steps mentioned below.

Git Tutorial Installation

13 January, 2016

Git Tutorial - Introduction

It is a software that keeps a track of files and directories that we make, especially the text changes and allows us to compare between the changes (versions) that we created.

GIT is referred as a version control system (VCS). The primary purpose of the VCS is to manage the source code (source code management (SCM)).

VCS's are called as source code management tools.

GIT Tutorial - Introduction

12 January, 2016

HTML4 vs HTML5 Page Structure

In this post we will be seeing the difference between html4 and html5, the difference between the elements, tags, page structure, browser support and which one to choose. This post is a lengthier one so it will be divided into two parts, first, we will understand the HTML web page structure then we will move on to the differences.

HTML4 vs HTML5 Page Structure

29 December, 2015

Bootstrap Tutorial - Html Layout

Bootstrap uses the HTML elements for creating the layouts and CSS for styling the layout, that means you will not have to learn any other coding language just the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript which are the website languages.

My First Bootstrap Code

28 December, 2015

Bootstrap Tutorial - Introduction

Bootstrap was developed by Mark Otto and Jacob Thornton on August 2011. Bootstrap is a front end framework built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript, for building for responsive web sites. It is faster and easier to use and sometimes a little tricky. It is called as a mobile first framework. It is an open source framework.